
From "New Essays On Not Having To Listen To 'The White Album' "

"Gideon's Bible: Another Guise"

What is the secret key? The Bible averts hurts and downgrades significant threats. Drink makes for a reeling doctor. A reel at the piano may doctor the hearts of drinkers. These are first axioms, but not secret keys; no, not hardly.

By what means may a man turn raccoon? If he closes his paw around some kernel and will not release it, even though by the largening of this fist it cannot be removed from the vessel. He shall will the kernel to be consumed through the very act of seizure.

What settlements may be found in the Black Mountains? Black Rocks State Park and Recreational Trail, its few satellites. A wild gang of miners, just setting up tent. Lone lorn pioneers tracing snakeways up sheerness and sheerness, only to unroll a solemn blanket-roll. One shiverer high in a a flimsy blanket-roll, and so--

Can you believe that? It stops right there, just like it looks. Will and I freaked a little when we came up with this, like "Where do we go from here?" OK, more next week...

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