
To Crawl Beneath A Mulberry Bush

Why crawl beneath a mulberry bush? There could be several excellent reasons, mostly having to do with shelter. For instance, if it was cold and snowy and you wanted to be outside, you could crawl beneath a mulberry bush and it would be a bit warmer, and the snow would be slower to accumulate upon you. Conversely, if it was a hot day and you were mowing a lawn, you could leave the mower and crawl beneath a mulberry bush for shade. (You would, however, risk getting grass-stains on your clothes.)

The reasons need not be rational, though. Sometimes, the compulsion simply arises. At these points, you can calmly walk outside and curl yourself about the base of a mulberry bush, and lie there still and quiet. You may feel like a whip-poor-will sleeping in the fallen leaves.

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