
Screenplay No. 2 (For Your Consideration)

Composed of shots rapidly going down a staircase. Staircase should preferably be one steep flight into a residential cellar. A sense of panic is desired, an impression of continuously falling down the stairs. Either a contraption can be devised for the camera to be pushed down the stairs in, or the cameraman can simply run down as quickly and manically as possible. Oh, a turn of some sort on the stairs is needed (an even 90 degrees would be ideal). The shots should be sequenced thusly: a shot fades in fairly quickly, at the beginning of its downstairs run. The next shot begins, fading in at the same speed, superimposed on the first image when near the end of the run. As the first shot reaches the end, it goes black for a moment and disappears. This cycles long enough to get the effect across but not long enough to become tedious; let the director exercise heris judgement. No soundtrack; B+W or poor-quality color stock.

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