
"C'mon, Doopa!"

We're currently pitching "C'mon, Doopa!", an hour-long dramedy set in the post-industrial suburbs of Boston. The show centers around JV QB Christopher "Doopa" Doomanian and his family: brother Frankie (whose nagging catchphrase gives the show its title), mother Rochelle, father Victor, and enigmatic uncle Champy. However, the show's radius takes in their entire neighborhood (an overgrown cul-de-sac), as well as the high school that Doopa and Frankie attend.

The show takes its starting point from the assorted family sagas of the past few years (especially of the "Southie" variety), but incorporates several key differences. Most notably, the show engages in drastic (if gradual) shifts in tone over the course of a season; some episodes present a mix of low-key family comedy and minor scholastic mishaps that could easily air on the Disney Channel, whereas others engage in depths of ultra-realist reportage (one episode is to be a wholly plotless real-time depiction of Frankie's study hall period), depravity (the strange impulses afflicting Doopa's sweetheart Lynn), and Jacobean intrigue (Champy's relentless quest to be elected to the school board). In short, the show seeks to assemble a holographic portrait of human reality by cleaving it into its constituent fictions, and examining them one by one.

HOWEVER, it should be understood that the primary aim of "Doopa" is to present the assorted milieux of Milltown Massachusetts without the mediation clear empathetic points of reference (save for the assorted narrative conventions). There are no pontifications--no ostentatious good taste--no encounters with sublimities. Morals assume a paramount importance, but one of neutral valence: there are no incitements to the true or the good in "Doopa", only an acute awareness of the continual moral calculus of quotidian existence.

We hope to attract Joanna "Jojo" Levesque for the role of Lynn.

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