
"Not An Inn But A Hospital"

Upon reaching an open intersection, you might look up and feel a concavity knocked in the sky.

You shouldn't feel scared of this; it's only hospitality, an aperture to rest your face in.


Wizz Reflections On Space

  1. RESOLVED; THAT design can be defined along a few binaries; one between native intuition and the summit of learned effort (the public--the consultant; the assumed--the arrived-at; the dare--the precept), and one between operating immensities and the necessary interventions that translate them into the terms of human sense.

    (You can see how readily a few binaries can grow into a tree-of-heaven.)

  2. RESOLVED; THAT design programs are as slalom campaigns, touching all flags of reckoned morality--or rather as broad strokes lowering themselves toward deadly-correct mathematical limits.

  3. RESOLVED; THAT when walking by a new absence, the nervous eye will supply once-customed motions of the departed.

    (This is one kind of ghost.)

  4. RESOLVED; THAT we are not obligated to live in a desert simply because we've been educated by nomads.

  5. RESOLVED; THAT a good field is precisely what's been cut enough to no longer be flat.

  6. RESOLVED; THAT revelation is best defined as an uncovered constant of alignment through a mundane array.

    (Cheonggyecheon, if you're feeling sanguine.)

  7. RESOLVED; THAT the civic design is willed by all to enclose peace; but will succeed only as a correct armature for tumult.